When it comes to renovating a home or remodeling a bathroom or en-suite we ideally want the process completed as...
Electricity bills can take up a sizable chunk of your budget, and the best way to help save some cash...
When it comes to filtering your water, sink & faucet water filters are a great option. If you’ve never considered...
You can always learn something new if you keep an open mind!
If you’re in search of an alternative to a traditional outdoor space, or perhaps you want to add an extra...
Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth in the use and demand for solar lights, and for good reasons!
If you want to lower your everyday life’s impact on the environment, then your kitchen is a great place to...
Selling a home can be challenging. Selling a home with a garden? That’s a whole different can of worms!
When you run a busy restaurant, you can think of adding more space to it to entertain all your incoming...
Going green and eco-friendly may be the hottest lifestyle trend in many cities across the globe right now!
Redecorating is always an exciting time for any homeowner, but many wonder if they are doing the right things and...
Regular maintenance increases the lifespan of your air conditioning, here’s how to maintain it the proper way!
When it comes to decorating a small master bedroom, there’s a lot of strategic thinking involved in making sure you...
Furnishing a newly built home adds color, style, and personal feel to the space. While the process comes with a...
If you are thinking about installing siding on your home you should read this first!
Did you just purchase a fixer upper home? Here are which projects you should prioritize first!
Are you buying an orbital sander? Here are some tips on which one you should choose!
Hide your ugly dishwasher with these budget friendly ideas that will make your dishwasher look brand new!
Couch looking drab, but don’t want to spend a fortune on a new one? Here’s 5 tips on how to...
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Hey there, my name is Suzy!
I love blogging about anything home related, I'm an avid DIY-er, a great cook, and not afraid of tackling a home reno project! Follow my blog for some great things I've learned along the way!
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