7 Steps to Sprucing up Your Winter Curb Appeal

Get your home cleaned up for the holidays with our easy and affordable ideas!
With the holidays coming up just around the corner, it’s time to get your home’s curb appeal in tip-top shape! It’s so easy to make your home sparkle from the rest on the block with a few of our easy realtor-approved tricks. Take a look:
First Take Care of Curb-Appeal Basics:
Before you start sprucing your home up for the holidays, it’s time to take care of some basics when it comes to improving your curb appeal. This step is pretty bare bones, but it’s something you simply have to do before you take care of anything else. Have a good look at the front of your house and see what needs improving. Cutting the bushes, pressure washing your brick walls and porch, as well as removing dead trees are things even the regular homeowner could do themselves. If you aren’t so handy with tools, consider hiring a curb appeal professional that will handle these things for you. In the meantime, an easy grass cutting with your lawnmower can work miracles.
Use Lighting to Enhance Your Home
Photo: Outdoor Lighting Perspectives
Light up your walkway and driveway with beautiful lanterns, led lamps, or even solar lights. Lighting really makes a huge difference to a home and makes it look charming and inviting to visitors. Not to mention, it makes your home look a lot bigger on the outside. To really give it a classy feel and avoid that kitsch Christmas look, stick to warm white lights instead of the traditional colorful lights.
Choose a Colorful Theme
Photo: Home Esthetics
The best way to make sure your home’s curb appeal and decorating looks on point is to stick with a theme of two or three colors. Pink, white, and green, or red, white and gold are some trending colors that look great used on ornaments, bows, and lights. Whatever colors you use, make sure to use them both inside and outside to create a cohesive look.
Keep Decor at a Minimal
Keeping your outdoor holiday decorating at a minimal is a great way to make sure your curb appeal is actually appealing, and not looking junky. Clutter is never a good thing, and the holidays seem to bring out more of it. To get your holiday curb appeal on point, make sure to keep your outdoor decorating clean and crisp.
Make a Traditional Statement with a Wreath
Photo: Minimalisti
What I love about wreaths is that they can be customized differently to suite every family and every home’s decorating. If the current theme of your indoor decorating is pink and green, then make your wreath in the same colors. You can hang your wreath on your door, gate, or even garage to welcome your visitors and kick off the holiday season!
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