Revamping Your Living Room on a Small Budget

Bring something new and fresh to your living room without spending the big bucks. Find out how with the tips below!

Build out Your Budget

First of all, you’ll have to tally your budget if you don’t already have one. This will let you know what you can afford to do on your own without the help of any loan or line of credit. Why can’t you factor in borrowed money? Generally, a financial institution like CreditFresh recommends waiting to use a personal line of credit until an unexpected emergency expense derails your plans. Stepping on a nail and having to pay for a tetanus shot as well as hospital parking may be the right time to get a personal line of credit. The same goes for when your work reveals your old century home used asbestos for insulation. But as for planned, cosmetic upgrades? It’s better to have a Truebill budget tracker to monitor what you spend and rely on savings, which may mean you have to put your plans on hold until you have the cash you need.

Learn Where to Cut Costs

If you’re sick and tired of seeing the same pus-green walls day-in, day-out, you may not be willing to wait until you have thousands in the bank. Luckily, a minor facelift is possible without a huge budget if you follow these techniques below.

Give Old Furniture New Life

Compared to buying a new couch, revamping an existing one is much easier on your wallet. Recovering upholstery or investing in a sofa cover can revitalize tired or damaged furniture in a fresh new pattern. If you’re looking for new pieces to add to your room, take a trip to a flea market. You might find a hidden gem you can spruce up and make your own.

Rearrange Your Layout

Sometimes, the simplest answer is the best one. Rearranging your furniture can give your living room a totally new look at no cost. Use an online design tool to create a digital version of your room. This way, you can try out different layouts without tweaking your back by lugging around furniture.

Add Fresh Paint

A new lick of paint on your walls will transform your living room in an afternoon. Dark, vibrant colors can add drama to a boring space, while light colors can brighten a room and make it look bigger.

Invest in New Lighting

Lighting can dramatically change the feel of a room just like a new paint color. A few well-placed lamps are an easy yet stylish way to set the ambience of your space. Even simply changing your lightbulbs from LED to incandescent can create a more intimate place for your family to hang out. It’s easy to think you need a huge renovation worthy of HGTV to make any change to your living room. But the truth is, you can revamp your living space on a dime. Just make sure you understand what you can afford, so you know which corners to cut. Even small touches have the power to create a big impact.
