How to Cope with the Smell of Dog Urine on the Carpet?

Calling all pet owners: here are some easy ways to clean up dog urine and ban the smell for good!
Everyone who takes care for a dog at home knows how much positive emotions it brings to both the whole family. These animals are distinguished by obedience and humility, especially with proper training. However, there are times when they cause trouble to their owners, when they go to the toilet directly on the carpet. Most often, this happens with small puppies, but in some exceptional cases, an adult furry friend may also make trouble.
Removing the smell of dog urine may not be very easy, but you cannot tolerate it. Therefore, maximum efforts should be paid, having tried all existing methods, to combat this unpleasant “phenomenon”. Especially if dog’s favorite place for this is a carpet or a sofa.
Emergency measures
Of course, it would be perfect if you were able to “catch” your pet immediately after the incident. To remove, in this case, the smell of dog urine from the carpet, would be much easier. Old urine is removed much more difficult. The very first thing that needs to be done right away is to strictly punish your pet, letting him know that you are very angry. Then take on the damaged surface. You should never start rubbing urine with a wet rag. If you do this, it will spread to a larger area, which will only worsen the situation. Blot a foul-smelling liquid with a thin rag, napkin, or just a piece of toilet paper. What we learned from the professionals at Carpet Cleaning Brighton is that dog litter for toilets will also be able to absorb liquid well, after which the carpet can simply be vacuumed. If you grate household soap and mix it with warm water, you get another “weapon” that can ensure successful removal of urine. The resulting slurry must be applied to the carpet or sofa for half an hour, allowing it to absorb thoroughly into the surface. Then rinse thoroughly.
Effective Odor Removal Methods
Next, you need to consider how to get rid of the smell of dog urine, using various means. Here are some of them:
Vinegar: This is quite a popular method for removing dog urine smell from the carpet. All you need is vinegar, diluted 1: 1 with water. It is poured into a spray bottle and abundantly sprayed onto a dirty surface. If there is no way to do it this way, you can use rags. After that, let the stain dry thoroughly, and wash it with a detergent or ordinary laundry soap. Citric acid and lemon juice have the same effect.
Alcohol: It’s easy to get rid of odors with alcohol or vodka. Thanks to the pungent smell, your dog will forever lose the desire to go to the toilet in that place. It is necessary to rub this product thoroughly with a thin towel into the problem area until it becomes dry. Do this until the unpleasant aroma disappears.
Hydrogen peroxide: The smell of dog urine on the carpet will go into oblivion with the help of a favorite remedy for those who are treated with hydrogen peroxide. The only condition for its use is tile and linoleum. It is necessary to add soda (2 tbsp. L.) And detergent (1 tbsp. L.) In 20 ml of peroxide. Then apply the liquid to the stain and leave for an hour, after which we thoroughly rinse with warm, soapy water.
Baking soda: A proven way to get rid of this kind of problem at all times. This is done very simply: soda is mixed with water, and then it is diluted to a state of thick slurry and applied to the damaged area. After drying, it remains only to sweep or vacuum through it.
When deciding how to remove the consequences of a puppy’s negligent behavior, you should also use special tools sold in markets and pet stores, or contact a professional carpet cleaning company, specialized in pet-friendly carpet cleaning.
Over the years, ProLux Carpet Cleaning has established itself as a reliable provider of carpet cleaning services, covering all the areas in London. The company is popular for using only eco-friendly cleaning products for each procedure. They are safe for families with pets and small children, do not have repelling odors and do not provoke allergies.
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