Bathroom Cleaning: How to Remove Mold From Caulk the Easy Way!

Is the caulk in your bathroom looking grimy and moldy? Remove that mold and get it back to pristine white with this easy method!
Keeping every inch of your bathroom glistening and clean is a tough job, and we can relate! If you’ve noticed the caulk around your sink or in your shower is looking dingy, there’s an easy way to fix it to make it look good as new! Keep reading for the easy solution!
What You Will Need:
– Warm Water
– A bucket
– Dish Soap
– Soft bristle brush
– Sponge
– Bleach
Step #1:
The first step is to remove the surface mold. Fill your bucket with warm water and add a dash of dish soap. Apply the soapy water to the mold using the sponge and scrub away the mold.
Step #2:
Rinse the soap away using clean water.
Step #3:
Add undiluted bleach to the caulk to kill any mold spores that are left. The bleach will also help whiten the caulk. Allow the bleach to sit on the caulk for about 15 minutes.
Step #4:
Gently scrub the caulk with the bristle brush. Rinse the bleach away with clean water when finished.
Photos: Sash Co, Element of Style Blog, BHG, This Old House.
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