Everything You Should Know Before Buying Patio Furniture

Keep these things in mind before purchasing new patio furniture! It could save you tons of cash in the long run!
Photo: Zevy Joy
Outdoor spaces like backyards and patios can be pretty inviting, especially during seasons of warm weather. A well-designed patio adds to your home’s curb appeal and offers a chance to relax, have fun or just enjoy the air.
Companies like Skylar’s Home & Patio Furniture San Diego offer a wide variety of contemporary patio furniture you can choose from. However, there are some additional considerations when buying outdoor furniture most homeowners are not initially aware of. Not every piece of furniture will work out for every home. Read on to learn more about choosing the right furniture for your outdoor living area.
The Weather
Do you live in a humid area with frequent heavy rains and strong winds? Or do you live in a hot, dry area? Do you live near the coast or far from it? All of these questions can help you pick out the right furniture for your outdoor living space.
For example, buying wicker furniture to redecorate your patio is a terrible idea if you live in a damp area, as the material cannot stand all the moisture. Or if you live in an area with strong winds about, your aluminum furniture might just fly out of your backyard. On the other hand, hot and dry conditions may cause your wooden furniture to crack or splinter. Keep these things in mind next time when you are getting your backyard ready for summer.
Photo: Dimples and Tangles
Available Space
Consider the available space you have available in your outdoor living area as well as its shape before buying the furniture. If your patio is long and narrow, you might want to get smaller furniture. You need to be able to move around freely, and you can’t do that with bulky furniture on a narrow balcony. If you’re dealing with a narrow backyard or patio, consider a bar table instead of a traditional table and chair setup. Bar tables are narrower and stools are more compact than regular chairs.
Photo: The Home Depot
Is your patio covered or is it exposed to the elements? Are you going to place your furniture on grass or a wooden deck? Answering these questions will help you pick out the best material for your outdoor living space. For example, you shouldn’t put pine on a soft surface, as it can cause the material to rot. Some metals can also corrode from exposure to the moisture in the ground.
Which Materials Do You Want?
Like we previously mentioned, the weather plays a large role in picking out the material for your patio furniture. But there are two equally important factors to consider: the amount of maintenance required and how a particular material looks. Start with the weather. Obviously, you don’t want your furniture falling apart before you’ve even had the chance to hold the first barbecue.
Next, consider the amount of maintenance for a particular material. Aluminum or teak, for example, do not require much care. Wrought iron is highly durable and can stand the heat and moisture.
Is the Furniture Comfortable?
Since you are mainly going to use the patio or backyard for relaxation, you want your furniture to be comfortable. If your furniture does not come with cushions, you can buy your own. They come with an added bonus, as you can store them away when not using the outdoor area. Make sure you pick out a fabric that’s comfortable and does not cause you to sweat. Try to pick out a fabric that’s resistant to mildew and does not fade fast.
Photo: OldBrandNew.com
Pay Attention to Storage Space
Finally, make sure you have a safe space to store your furniture once the winter comes. Sometimes covering the furniture will not provide enough protection against the elements. Therefore make sure to provide ample storage space for the furniture or choose furniture you can fold. Alternatively, you could look into furniture that can be used inside during the winter, like the bean bags offered here:
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