10 Suprising Household Uses for Beer – From Fertilizing to Cleaning Jewlery!

We bet you didn’t know that beer is not only used for drinking, but it can be used to fertilize your gardens and clean stains! Check out these 10 surprising uses for beer!
If your gold jewellery is looking drab, or coffee stains not coming out of your clothes? Beer is here to help! Beer can actually take out stains, restore your lawn, and spruce up your wooden furniture. Keep reading to find out what other amazing things beer can do!
1. Loosen Rusty Bolts
The acid in beer can help dissolve some of the rust on rusty bolts, helping you get them loose.
2. Insulation
Full, unopened cans of beer used in construction walls actually help insulate! The beer works by absorbing the cold.
3. Clean Gold Jewellery
Place your gold jewellery in a dish of beer and let it soak. Rinse and dry with a soft cloth. The acid in beer works to clean most metals, making them look good as new!
4. Restore Wooden Furniture
Using flat beer, rub it gently onto wooden furniture using a soft cloth. The beer helps restore the polish and the color of your furniture.
5. Stain Removal
If you have tea or coffee stains on your carpets or clothes, soak the stain in beer. Leave it to sit and then dab it with a cloth. Wash it with soap and rinse with warm water.
6. Brown Spots on Lawns
The acid in beer kills off fungi and pests. The fermented sugar feeds the grass and helps restore your lawn.
7. Get Rid of Mice
For a humane way to get rid of mice in your home, put a small amount of beer in a bucket. Place a wooden board against the bucket so mice can fall in. Once the mice are in the bucket, take them outside and release them.
8. Get Rid of Pesky Wasps
Placing a few cups of beer a distance away from your picnic or BBQ area will distract wasps and bees. Say good-bye to swatting away wasps every time you try to take a bite of your food!
9. Get Rid of Fruit Flies
If you’ve got a fruit fly problem in your kitchen, crack open a can of beer and place it on your kitchen counter. Cover the top with plastic wrap and poke a few tiny holes in it. The fruit flies will be able to get in, but they won’t be able to get out.
10. Fertilize Gardens
Just like with your lawn, the fermented sugar in beer is something your garden vegetables and flowers will love!
Photos: Snow Brains, In Habitat, Modern Magazine Quality All Care.
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