How to Clean an Ice Machine

Do you have an ice machine at home? Here is how to clean it the right way!

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Restaurants, hotels, bars, and other businesses rely on ice machines for a variety of purposes. Restaurant and company owners often overlook the importance of frequently cleaning ice makers, despite the fact that they are an essential part of any kitchen setup. In this post, we’ll walk you through the process of cleaning an ice machine step-by-step so that your consumers can be assured that their ice is safe.
Keeping Your Ice Maker Clean
The maintenance requirements of ice machines will differ from vendor to vendor, but the general process is the same. Here are some general techniques for cleaning most ice makers. Please reference your machine’s handbook for specific instructions.
Remove Ice Cubes from the Ice Bin
Remove all ice during the cleaning and sanitising procedure. There are two ways to accomplish this goal. Alternatively, you can turn off power and wait for ice to completely melt before pressing the power switch. This option is best for those who prefer to harvest ice in batches.
The “clean” or “wash” button should be pressed: After pressing this button, water will be drained through the water dump valve and into the garbage disposal unit below. To begin adding chemicals, wait until the water trough has refilled and the display shows that it is time. On average, this procedure takes around a minute.
Clean Up
The recommended amount of ice machine cleanser should be used per the instructions in your manual. Wait until the clean cycle is complete before moving on to the next step: At least 20 minutes are required for the cleaning process to complete.. Disconnect the ice machine from the power source once the job is finished. If the dispenser’s electricity can be cut off, it’s also crucial to do so.
Removing internal parts: Remove any internal components from your ice machine before cleaning. Refer to your machine’s instruction manual for safe and proper removal. The next step is to remove the remaining pieces.
Mixing the Cleaning Solution
Use lukewarm water to dilute your cleaning solution. For the correct amount of solution, consult your machine’s instruction manual. In general, 1 gallon of water to 16 ounces of cleaner is the recommended water-to-cleaner ratio. Mineral buildup might affect the amount of cleaning you require.
Assembled parts should be sanitised Use half of the water and ice machine cleaner combination to clean all of the components and pieces that you’ve taken out of the appliance. When they come into touch with lime, scale, and mineral deposits, most solutions will begin to foam. Rinse thoroughly with clean water after the foaming subsides with a nylon brush, sponge, or cloth.
Clean up the Food Area
Make use of the remaining half of the water and cleaning combination to clean all foodzone surfaces of the ice machine and ice bin/dispenser To properly clean the evaporator plastic pieces (top, bottom, sides), the bin or dispenser, and the side walls and base (area above the trough), use a nylon brush or cloth.
Make careful to use clean water to wash down all surfaces. The pollutants will be removed from the ice in this way, and the ice will not be poisoned.
Keeping an Ice Maker’s Outside Clean
During the process of cleaning your ice maker, it is crucial to pay attention to the surrounding environment. Maintaining a clean area around your ice machine will help prevent the accumulation of dirt and grease, which can lead to an uncomfortable working environment. Tips for cleaning the exterior of your business ice machine are provided below.
Your Immediate Environment should be your Primary Concern
If necessary, make sure to regularly sweep and mop the area around the ice maker. Doing so ensures that your ice machine is running cleanly and efficiently.
Make Sure you use the Right Cleaning Products
To clean the ice machine’s exterior, use a moist cloth dipped in water to wipe down all surfaces. Abrasive pads and brushes should never be used.
Remove any Remaining Grease
A moderate dish soap and water solution can be used to remove any remaining grease after cleaning. For a complete list of limitations, consult the owner’s manual for your machine. Cleaning external panels and plastic trim using chlorinated, citrus-based, or abrasive products is not recommended.