How to Make a Property More Appealing to Potential Buyers

The housing market can be a very fickle friend. One minute it’s a buyer’s market and the next sellers have the upper hand!
Photo By: Lasley Brahaney Architecture + Construction
While only an experienced real estate agent will be able to give you the lowdown on what experts are forecasting as far as market trends are concerned, there are a few jobs that you can do in order to make your property more appealing to potential buyers, regardless of what the housing market is looking like. If you are in the process of selling your house, or even if you are preparing to list your house, here are some ways in which you can make your property more appealing to potential buyers.
Clear Out the Space
When a potential buyer is touring a house, they are going to be on the lookout for a number of features. Each person, of course, is going to have their own preferences when it comes to design and layout, but if someone is taking the trouble to view a house, then theoretically the photos and information on the listing were enough to get their attention. Once they are at the property, though, that is when the details are crucial.
For this reason, you as the seller need to do what you can to make it as easy as possible for someone to picture their family living in that house. Achieving this goal starts with the process of clearing out the space as much as possible. Think about it as though you are trying to give someone a blank canvas to work with. While a few well-selected and strategically placed items can help people see the potential that a space has, you want to leave as much to their imagination as you can. You will need to find a suitable place to put all your family photos, personal items, and extra furniture, and a self-storage unit will easily do the trick. Have a look at self storage in order to get some more information on that front.
Photo By: Connecticut Heritage Homes Inc
Make Necessary Design Changes
It is impossible to design a space that caters to every potential buyer’s taste. Even if a certain color for the walls appeals to you, it might not be so appealing to everyone else. Because of this, it is important to make a few design changes prior to listing your home.
This isn’t to say that you need to pour a large amount of money into drastic changes, as such alterations can result in a loss when all is said and done. Rather, tone down the bright-red walls in the kitchen and switch out the brass fixtures in the bathrooms to create a softer, simpler look throughout the property. You might have loved these elements while you were living in the house, but potential buyers would rather see a neutral, more timeless design. Good selections to opt for include light blues for bathrooms and soft grays for living areas. Shiny chrome finishes in the bathrooms add an air of modern luxury that most buyers appreaciate.
Photo By: Breeze Giannasio Interiors
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