7 Questions About Coffee You Were Too Afraid to Ask

Are you a coffee lover? You may not know the answers to these simple questions!
No matter who you are, you can always learn more about something. Even experts should strive to acquire more knowledge about their chosen subjects. This idea holds especially true, however, for people with little to no deep insight about a topic. People just entering the world of coffee, or just on it peripherally, might have a lot of unanswered questions about it. Here are nine questions about coffee you were too afraid to ask, with their answers.
What Are the Differences between Light and Dark Roasts?
When you buy coffee, you probably notice that there are a few different options for beans. You’ll see a variety of coffees that come in light, dark, or medium roasts. What distinguishes a dark roast from a light one?
Light roasts spend less time in the roasting process; so, they typically retain the most characteristics from their origin beans. With dark roasts, you’re usually tasting the roasting more than the bean itself. Light roasts will also have slightly more caffeine, while dark roasts will show more oil on the surface. So long as the coffee bean isn’t burnt or charred, the quality of your coffee won’t depended on the type of roast you buy. Instead, it’s really dependent upon your palate.
How Hot Should It Be?
Temperature is one of the most important elements to a cup of coffee. You don’t want it to be too hot or too cold. And brewing temperature is an entire other consideration. You should brew your coffee at around 200 degrees Fahrenheit. However, you only want to serve or drink it around 180 degrees.
Unfortunately, coffee machines tend to burn your brew, giving it a burnt taste and a stale after taste. If you really want to taste your coffee the way it’s meant to be, forego the machine in favor of a French press, pour over, or premium coffee capsule that doesn’t require a machine.
Are Coffee Capsules Good?
You’ve likely seen or tried coffee capsules at some point. Some people swear by them for their convenience. But how do they taste?
While machine-based coffee pods use low-quality instant coffee, machine-free premium coffee capsules are made from luxury-grade beans. These allow you to create a perfect cup of coffee in an extremely short amount of time. They are also incredibly versatile, allowing customers to
Why Is Coffee Bitter?
It’s important to emphasize the difference between “good bitter” and “bad bitter.” Good bitter is found in dark roast coffee and derives from chemical compounds including caffeine and acidity. These usually make your cup of Joe taste rich, dark, or maybe slightly citrusy.
Conversely, bad bitter taste like spent matchheads, coal, or old pennies. These nasty flavors can be caused by over roasting the beans during processing or by using a shoddy coffee maker.
Is It Okay to Use Cream?
There are some coffee purists who insist on adding nothing to their brews. So, is it okay for you to add things like cream and sugar? Of course! Just do whatever you think tastes the best. It doesn’t matter if it’s not what a barista or coffee aficionado would choose for themselves. In fact, some studies have shown that people who prefer black coffee exhibit more psychopathic tendencies. Pass the cream.
Where Does the Best Coffee Come from?
There are many countries around the world that make coffee. The ideal conditions for producing the crop are near the equator—between 25 degrees north and 30 degrees south. Places such as Hawaii, Costa Rica, and Colombia all make great coffee. Many people consider Ethiopian coffee to be the best, as that’s where the crop originated. It’s still grown there, and provides the drinker with a strong, distinct taste.
Should I Grind My Own Beans?
If you’re making coffee at home, you have the option to buy pre-ground beans or grind your own. So, which should you do? There’s certainly a convenience factor to buying pre-ground coffee. However, it’s going to taste much better if you grind the beans immediately before making coffee. Oxygen begins contaminating the beans as soon as they are ground, which degrades the flavor.
How Much Caffeine Is in a Cup of Coffee?
Caffeine is the substance in coffee that keeps you awake. This can be good or bad depending on the time of day. There are about 95 milligrams of caffeine in a standard cup of drip coffee. This number probably doesn’t mean that much to you. For reference, a cup of tea or a soda has about half as much caffeine. Energy drinks have a comparable caffeine content. Everyone will be affected differently by caffeine. You can also develop a tolerance to it. So over time, one cup of coffee won’t affect you the same way if you drink it consistently. There’s so much to learn about the ins and outs of coffee. These are some of the most commonly asked questions about the topic. Hopefully this has cleared up some things for you regarding coffee.
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