A Better Bathroom For A Better Home

Make your bathroom the highlight of your home with these easy ways to improve, re-decorate and add some style!
Photo: Classy Clutter
Undoubtedly, every homeowner wants to improve theirhome. One of the most important areas to concentrate on are the bathrooms. These rooms for personal hygiene may only take up a small area of the house but can sometimes be the most important.
There are many ways to improve the look and feel of a bathroom within your home. And with all of the options nowadays, it can be difficult to choose what to change. Here are some of the best suggestions for upgrading your bathroom and staying within budget.
Tile the Bathroom
One of the biggest trends in homes today is tiling your bathrooms. This is a great way to make your bathrooms stand out. For years, bathrooms had boring floors and walls. However, many people find that adding tile to the floors and up the walls can really make their bathroom pop.
One of the best aspects of tile in the bathroom is that it is cheap to accomplish. You can easily do this job yourself as well, and this will save money on labor costs. For a little extra money, homeowners can even add heated tile to their floors.
Photo: Classy Clutter
Improved Showers
Upgrading your shower is another way to improve your bathroom. There are many ways to make your shower stand out and look great in the process. Some people want to add tile to their shower to make it look great. Others prefer to add a seat in their shower or even make the shower bigger. Whatever you decide, there are plenty of affordable options to make this area in your home better.
A saniflo shower is a great way to make the overall bathroom work better. This product will pump out wastewater from both your shower and toilet. The great thing about Saniflo showers that it can fit somewhere that is not visible. Not only will it make your bathroom work more efficiently, but it will save money by using less water as well.
Photo: HGTV
Upgraded Toilets
If you have an older home, chances are high that your toilets are not functioning properly. Upgrading your toilets to an upflush option is a great way to take your bathroom to a new level.
These upflush toilets do several things to make a home better. First of all, they use much less water than traditional toilets. Not only that, but the chances of a toilet getting clogged are much lower. The average cost of a new toilet is around $250 with the installation. If you can install the toilet yourself, you can save even more money during this process. When you remove the old toilet, make sure to take time to clean around the base. Over the years, a lot of corrosion can happen in this area.
Overall, a home is one of the largest investments that many people own. Upgrading a bathroom is a great way to make a home stand out from others in the area.
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