How to Repair Rotten Wood the Easy Way!

If you’ve got any rotten wood patches in your home, we’ve got the easy way to fix it!
If you live in an old home you might have noticed rotten wood in certain parts of your home. This problem can crop up anywhere, like in door frames or stairs. If it’s a big problem, your best bet would be to replace the wood completely. If it’s only a small patch, there is a way to fix it easily. Keep reading for instructions!
Step #1:
The first thing you need to do is to remove the rotten wood. You can use a sharp tool like the sharp end of a hammer.
Step #2:
Fill the area with High Performance Wood Filler. If there is a lot of work to be done, you can also use a two-part auto body polyester like Bondo, which is less expensive. The High Performance Wood Filler with strengthen the wood fibers. Once you apply it, you have around 10-15 minutes of time to work with it before it begins to harden. If you’re doing vertical repairs, the polyester can sag. To prevent this, build a form and line it with plastic sheeting. Press the form against the filler and attach it using screws. Take the form off when the filler hardens. Another way to do this is to wait until the filler hardens to a soap consistency and then carve it using a putty knife, or shape it using a rasp. Most wood repairs will require 2 layers of filler.
Step #3:
To finish off the repair, sand and prime the area before painting.
Photos: This Old House, Family Handyman, Home Depot, Fine Art America.
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