Tired Of Eating The Same Meals? Try These Interesting Solutions

Do you enjoy eating the same meals daily? Are you one to get bored by the same regular meals?
If you are the latter, we understand how meals get tiring when you eat them monotonously. It is no surprise that you can get sprung on a particular meal due to its texture or taste, but what happens when you are fed up with these meals and lack the motivation to cook up something else? If this is you, here are some hacks to get you out of the food rut.
1. Tap into your Creative Juices
By this, you do not necessarily have to go over your typical budget for food. All you need to do is seek other ways to represent the same meals you eat daily. Just switch things up. You could add a side to your meal, dice up the carrots if you usually cut them in stripes. You can also switch recipes for the same meal to explore other flavors that can be gotten from the same meal. The list is endless. All you need to do is be creative and flexible when you think about your food.
2. Get Inspired
In our digital world, you can access unlimited data regarding your search at the click of a button. Now, with platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, etc., you can comb through thousands of recipes to find that which suits you. Once you are at that stage of meal exhaustion, all you need to do is search the main food ingredients you have available and see the different recipes that align with it. You can also get inspiration from cookbooks and you can click here to get some great deals on them. Some are available on Amazon, while others in brick and mortar outfits. Get inspired!
3. Dine Al Fresco
Another solution to help with the food monotony is to dine Alfresco. This simply means to eat in the open air. You can skip the cooking by prepping a dinner board. With this you don’t need to cook anything, all you need to do is use vegetables and fresh fruits with dips. Or you can get together a wrap made of vegetables and meats that are unprocessed with little to no nitrates.
4. Ring up a Friend
If you are in no mood for any of the above, you can try ringing a friend up. This works if you are lucky to have a friend who is a regular foodie and cooks 90% of the time. Even better if you are close to the friend in question. This way, your visit will be welcomed and not seen as an intrusion. However, the downside to this is that you can’t do this constantly, else it becomes an intrusion. Let’s hope you aren’t in a food rut regularly, right?
5. Eat Out
Thanks to the gradual ease of the CoronaVirus lockdown, you can now visit some of your favorite restaurants. When you are bored by the meals you have at home, this is a good opportunity to seize. Spoil yourself with some soul foods from your favorite restaurants. Better still, try a new restaurant and explore the meals on their menu. Hopefully, you don’t get to do this regularly and burn your monthly budget. Well, if you can afford it, by all means, do indulge.
6. Go for Instant meals
The fitness and wellness enthusiasts may cringe at this but hey, hear us out first! When you experience a food rut, you often lack the patience to do something that takes more time. People typically go for meals that do not require much energy to be expended or time. So, try browsing for quick meals that can be done in less than 30 minutes.
7. Shop for New Food Items
This works like magic. If you are hesitant to always try new meals because you have to store the items for your regular meals, you need to carry out what we will call a pantry makeover. Change the food items you have in there, everything! It is advisable to browse new recipes first before you embark on this. This way, you don’t purchase food supplies that become redundant to you. Once you have this done, trust that you will have no other option but to prepare a new meal, even when habit tries to nudge you otherwise.
Lastly, if none of these seem feasible to you, take the weight off your shoulders and call the take-out services in your locality to deliver food to you at home. It could be pizza or any other meal that tickles your fancy. Either way, trust that this feeling happens seldomly, so don’t fret. Just go with the flow.