6 Home Office Tips for Peak Productivity

Remote work is here to stay. But most people have trouble organizing their home office and setting up a healthy working routine!
They end up procrastinating and earning much less money than they could have. It doesn’t have to be this way! You can swap your old table and creaky chair for modern office furniture or simply optimize current space. Follow these 6 home office organization tips to achieve peak productivity, and have more fun while working.
Start With the End Goal in Mind
The hardest task when you are WFH is staying focused. When people lose momentum and start procrastinating they usually look for quick remedies to get back on track. Don’t get us wrong, there are dozens of methods that do work. However, if your space is cluttered and not organized properly, no list writing, break-taking, or meditating will save you from procrastination.
If your space is killing your working spirit, you won’t be able to break out of the slump. That’s why you need to start with the end goal in mind — being productive — and organize your space to help you achieve this goal.
- Create a distraction-free designated workspace far from your kitchen or the living room.
- If you can’t have a dedicated space 24/7, set aside working hours, so you won’t be distracted by other family members.
- Have a comfortable sofa for taking naps.
- Make sure that your space is well lit, the screen stays at your arm’s length, and you don’t have to bend your neck forward all day while working on a laptop (get a special stand).
Get More Daylight
It doesn’t matter whether you are a morning lark or a night owl. The healthiest time to work is during the day when you are surrounded by natural light. Not only does it cause less eye strain, but it also elevates our mood and improves wellbeing in general. If you can place your working desk next to a window, do that. If not, use mirrors to bring more sunlight into your room. If your window is south-facing, you probably get a lot of blinding sunlight during the day. It may interfere with your work. Use plantation shutters or other treatments to reduce the amount of direct sunlight you are getting while retaining enough natural light.
Use Natural Colors
There’s plenty of research proving that being exposed to nature is associated with better health, lower blood pressure, and stress hormone levels. If you can’t create a small garden in your room, use natural colors and ornaments to create a visual connection with the outdoors. Artificial environments make us stressed. Interior design experts advise mixing nature-led color schemes, textures that mimic trees, stones, and other natural elements, and soothing soundscapes like waterfalls, singing birds, or rainforest sounds.
Get a Smaller Desk
Starting every day with having your desk decluttered is a time-consuming, soul-crushing task. There’s an ingenious solution that will save you a lot of effort. Get a tiny desk! Tiny is tidy. You don’t need a lot of space for your laptop, notepad, mug, or smartphone. If you have a lot of cable running under your desk, use organizers to keep them from tangling and getting in your way. If you have to keep a lot of devices on your table at all times, purchase a desk with pop-up outlets and hollow legs that can be used to hide all those pesky cables.
An Ergonomic Chair Is a Must
You will spend most of your day sitting behind the desk. If you are constantly crouching, get ready for chronic neck and back pain. You can avoid all these unpleasant feelings if you invest in a proper ergonomic home office chair. An upgraded seating will help you keep the right posture, alleviate back pain and increase your overall productivity. Look for a supportive design that makes you feel comfortable. Test several chairs before you decide to buy one.
Most ergonomic office chairs leave a lot to be desired in the looks department. If the visual design is very important for you, include the so-called “domestic” models in your search. They have more variety and color when it comes to their looks. Don’t forget to exercise and stretch regularly, even if you have bought the best ergonomic chair on the market.
Opt for Built-in Storage
To keep your desk decluttered, use storage like shelves and drawers to keep important work items. You can conceal your devices like printers and scanners using built-in storage spaces. Keep your organizers, file binders, and miscellaneous items in drawers. You don’t have to buy large shelves and cabinets, especially if you have a small home office. Opt for built-in joinery to avoid creating a claustrophobic workspace.
Reaching peak productivity in a home environment requires creating a dedicated office space. If you want to stay focused, remove all the necessary items, opt for a smaller desk and built-in storage spaces. Remember that your working space has to be healthy and supportive if you want to remain motivated during the day.