How to Descale Your Coffee Machine

Is your coffee machine scaling up? Here is how to descale it!

Photos By: Unsplash
Coffee is like one of the main necessities of our life and and we need it every morning to properly wake and start a fresh day with its unique and refreshing taste as well as smell that will help to pull our everyday routine. For this very reason, almost every one of us has a coffee machine at our place that helps us to make yummy coffee just in our own style. However, it is also necessary to descale and clean your coffee machine regularly to maintain its quality. The main question is how exactly you will be able to know when it is time to descale your machine and what steps you can take to fulfill your need. In this case, most of the time, coffee machines have a light indicator that tells your machine needs descaling, and here’s how you can do it in a proper manner.
Decide Your Descaling Product
One of the first and foremost steps that you need to take to descale coffee maker at your place is to decide what kind of cleaning or descaling product you would want to use to get the best results out of it without getting into much hassle.
For this, you can choose anything of your choice, such as lemon juice, citric acid, vinegar, etc., or any other type of commercially-made descaling product like tablets or powders that can help you to properly descale your machine and unclog any impurities.
In addition to that, you can also create a go-to descaling product or recipe of your own style to make it work like magic. All you would need to do is to follow this cleaning routine on a monthly basis to make sure your machine works perfectly.
Mix and Rinse
If you are using any kind of homemade descaling solution, an additional step that you would need to take is to mix it up with some commercial solution as well as some water to properly dilute it and ensure the well-being of your coffee maker.
Once you are done mixing it up, the next step would be to start cleansing your coffee machine. No matter what kind of machine you have, the overall process of descaling a coffee machine is the same, which starts with filling up your reservoir with a cleaning solution just like you make coffee.
Once it runs through your boiler and comes out through the machine, you would also want to run it through the steam wand too. This is necessary as it will help to clean away all the gunk and other small bits and pieces of minerals.
Run a Brew Cycle
To completely clean your coffee maker and get rid of all the gunk and impurities that have been lying in it, you would need to start a brew cycle in the machine just like you are making coffee, and midway through the cycle, turn off the coffee maker.
This is done in order to let the solution sit for some time to completely dissolve all the impurities stuck in your machine for a while. This will especially help if your machine has not been cleaned in ages and has had a bad buildup.
So, let the solution sit there for a while, and after about an hour, you can turn the coffee maker off to let the brew cycle finish up. A great thing about this is that if you make this regime a part of your regular descaling, you will be able to get away without the rest period.
Run a Water Cycle
Now, the next step that you need to take is to fill the chamber of the coffee machine with just water and let the machine run for a while. You will need to repeat this thing twice to make sure everything is properly cleaned.
This will also allow your coffee machine to slightly cool down between brews as well as it will also help you to get rid of the lingering vinegar flavor or smell. After this rinse, just take a sniff to make sure it smells like water and not vinegar or a cleaning solution.
Also, if it looks even the least bit cloudy, it is recommended that you start the entire procedure all over again.