4 Important Details To Remember When Buying Meat From The Market

To ensure that your meat dishes are perfect and savory, you need to ensure that you use the freshest ingredients possible!
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It follows that you need to carefully choose the meat cuts that you buy from the market. This article tackles some of the things that you need to remember when buying meat.
Color and Smell
One of the primary things that you need to remember when buying meat from the market is to carefully inspect its color and smell. The color of the meat is one of the things that you need to check regardless of whether you are buying meat from Grutto, an online meat market shop, or a physical store in the market. Nevertheless, the right color typically depends on the type of meat that you are after. For instance, if you are buying red meat, it should be dark in color while pork meat should have a light blushing pink color. You should also take time to smell the meat that you are purchasing. If the smell of the meat is already pungent, which is somehow like rotting flesh, then you should not buy it.
Cut and Fat
Another thing that you need to remember when buying meat from the market is to check its cut and fat. In terms of the former, make sure to look for clean and smooth cuts that are uniformly sized. As much as possible, avoid buying meat with jagged edges, especially when you are buying poultry. This is a good indication that care is not taken when the joints and bones are removed.
The white flecks and streaks of fat should also be distributed throughout the muscle of the meat. In this way, your meat will be juicier and tender as soon as it is cooked. When it comes to steak cuts, the finer the marbling, or the distribution of fat, the tastier your meat will be.
Surface and Texture
Looking into the surface of the meat that you are buying, you will be able to notice a grain of fibers that will indicate whether it is rough or tender. Usually, coarse meat grains that have lots of visible muscle fibers indicate a slice of tough but flavorful meat. Nonetheless, the muscle fibers should be tightly packed and uniform, particularly for beef because this indicates proper handling.
Sell-By or Use-By Date and Packaging
Finally, always take a look into the sell-by date or the use-by date of the meat, as well as how it is packaged. In this way, you are sure that the meat you are buying is still suitable for sale and consumption. Any sign of damage or dirt in its packaging is a good indication that you should not buy the meat as well.
To ensure that you get the freshest and high-quality meat perfect for your dishes and safe for your family, make sure to check its color and smell, as well as its cut and fat content. You should also look into its surface and texture, as well as its sell-by or use-by date and packaging. You can even seek the advice of your butcher who will be able to answer any queries you may have.
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