Having A Tough Time Cleaning Upholstery At Home? 4 Tips To Help You Get By

A clean home is a testament to your identity and state of mind. From picking the right furniture to the perfect upholstery, we often try to make sure that everything is flawless!
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However, it can be tricky to maintain your furniture. Even a little mistake can ruin its looks. In case you are wondering about the right way to clean your upholstery, then you have come to the right place, as we have compiled the list of tips and tricks to perfectly clean up your upholstery.
In case you are confused about the terminology, upholstery stands for all the materials and items that make up the seats, paddings, and other related elements of your customized and carefully selected furniture. It makes up an inevitable part of your furniture and you must know how to keep it clean. From using the ideal carpet and upholstery cleaner in the right way to depending on upright vacuum cleaners to get a better finish, there is a lot you need to know about the process. Let’s dig right in. So, without any further ado, check out the tips to get some upholstery cleaning done at home:
1. Dry brushing for absolute win
The simplest and easiest way to clean the upholstery of your furniture is to go for the dry brushing technique. You can start by taking a medium to small-sized brush with soft bristles to clean. If those little dust particles are your biggest issue, then this is the best possible way. Get that brush and get going with the cleaning.
2. Vacuum like a BOSS
Another reliable way to fight the dust monster is by using an upright vacuum cleaner. Deep clean vacuuming is a quick and efficient way to remove dust and is a great for cleaning carpets. You can also reach the difficult and stubborn corners of the furniture to get the work done like a professional. Vacuum your carpets with the best carpet shampooers available.
3. One-Stop Solution- Baking Soda
There is no denying that baking soda is one of the best ways to clean most things. It is a sure shot and efficient way to clean the upholstery of the furniture. If you are struggling with deep stains and bad odour, then baking soda is the best solution that you can find! To make this mixture, mix baking soda and water in an equal proportion. As soon as it is done, let it stay for 15 minutes. Once you are, pour this mixture into any spray bottle. Spray it on the stain and let it stay. Now clean it with a wet brush to reveal spotless glory!
4. Vinegar tips and tricks
Another homemade solution that can help you with the cleaning of the upholstery is vinegar. Take one-fourth cup of water and mix it with a three-fourth cup of vinegar, blend it well. Now add one or two spoonfuls of a cleaning agent into it. Mix all of it well and put it in a spray bottle. Apply to the stains and rest of the upholstery. While all these tips can help you with the process, make sure you read the fabric tag on the upholstery. It will help you to understand the fabric in a better way. Some form of upholstery doesn’t allow the use of water. In such case, use the vacuum or the dry brush method.
Making sure that your furniture is clean and in the best shape, can be a long process but it will help you to enhance the look of your home. A clean home improves your life’s quality and makes you feel better. It can be quite tricky to pick up the right methods for upholstery cleaning, which is why you must pay attention to the instructions that are placed on the fabric tags of the furniture.
In the case of stubborn stains, you can take the fabric for dry cleaning. However, simple home remedies which include baking soda and vinegar can also do the trick.
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