How to Clean Makeup Stains from Lipstick to Nailpolish

We’ve all had those days where we’re rushing through our morning routine, and we accidentally get eye liner or lipstick on our clothes. Read our stain-busting techniques to get those stubborn stains off next time this happens to you!
Face oils, lipstick, and eye liner stains are all hard to get off our clothes. We love that they’re long-lasting on our face, but not so much on our favorite shirt! The next time you find yourself battling those stubborn stains, read our list!
1. Lipstick and Lip Balm
Scrape off any excess and treat it with a prewash stain remover and wash. If the stain is still there after washing, blot the stain with a dry-cleaning solvent and launder. Before you toss your clothes in the wash, make sure there aren’t any lipstick or lip balm tubes in your pockets. They can melt into the fabric and become difficult to remove.
2. Nail Polish
Nail polish is easily removed with acetone. Blot the stain carefully with a paper towel until the stain is removed. Avoid using acetone on triacetate or acetate fabrics, as it will melt the fibres. Rinse with water and launder as usual.
3. Blush, Eye liner, Concealer, Eyeshadow, and Mascara
Treat the stain immediately with a prewash stain remover and wash your garment as usual.
4. Face Oils
When your favorite face oil drips onto your shirt, quickly blot any excess. Treat it with a prewash stain remover and launder. If you don’t have any stain remover lying around, use a waterless hand cleaner to help tackle the stain. Launder the fabric on the hottest setting possible (provided it’s safe for the fabric).
Photos: Eles Cosmetics, Epiphannie A, I Diva, Big Words Blog, Peachy Curves.
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