DIY Fail to Fabulous – How This Dining Table Was Saved!

Check out how this DIY dining table fail was turned around to create a fabulous table fit for royalty!
This dining table was thought to have been doomed, but with a little creativity and hard work, it looks magnificent! Check out the DIY tutorial and amazing results!
This is how the table looked like after it was treated with a stripper to remove the varnish. It was uneven, and had noticeable grooves in it.
To fix the problem, the table was painted grey, which made the grooves noticeable even more!
To save this DIY disaster, 3 rectangles were cut out of the top of the table, including a lip wide enough to fit nailheads in.
Nailheads were ordered from Ebay and every fifth nailhead was hammered in to keep it straight.
After that, glass was ordered from a local glass shop, and the table is now complete! Amazing!
Photos and idea: Dwellings By Devore.
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