How to Prepare Your House for Bed Bug Control Treatment

Bed bugs are a pest that many people don’t think about until they have an infestation!
One bed bug can turn into thousands in just a few months, so it is important to be prepared for bed bug control treatment. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can prepare your house for bed bug control treatment!
1. Inspect the House for Bed Bugs
It is important to conduct bed bug inspections throughout the house to locate bed bugs and their eggs. If bed bugs are found,a professional bed bug control treatment should be conducted. Items that might collect bedbugs and eggs: bedframes/boxsprings, furniture cushions, bed linens (especially under the mattress), cracks in the floor or wallboard near baseboards or carpet edges. Inspecting places bed bugs might hide will make bed bug control treatment easier. It is also important to inspect bed linens, bed frames, and box springs. These items are often forgotten but can harbor bedbugs and eggs. If bed bugs or their eggs are found during the inspection of a bed frame or box spring, it is important to remove as much fabric from the item as possible before bedbug control treatment begins. This will ensure bed bugs are eliminated.
It is also important to remove bed linens and bed frames from the room before bedbug control treatment begins. This will make it easier for pest management professionals, as there will not be anything that can collect bed bugs or eggs in the room. It should also help with getting rid of bedbugs later on!
2. Remove Clutter from Closets, Drawers and other Surfaces that might offer a Place for Bed Bugs to Hide
Make sure to remove any clutter from closets, drawers and shelves. These areas can offer bed bugs a place to hide, which could make bed bug control treatment more difficult. Make sure that all items are at least 18 inches off the ground in case bed bugs were missed during bed bug inspections or if they come back after bedbug control treatment has been conducted. If bed bugs are found after bedbug control treatment, they could come from another area of the house other than where bed bug inspections were done! It is also important to vacuum before bed bug control treatment begins because vacuuming can help get rid of eggs and bedbugs that might be hiding in furniture cracks or crevices.
3. Clean Bed Bug Harborages
Bed bugs hide in cracks, crevices and other dark spaces. Make sure to clean bedbug harborage spots before bed bug control treatment begins. This will make bedbugs easier to find by pest control professionals because they might not be able to see them! Items that could collect bedbugs: furniture with cloth material, bed frames and box springs with cloth material, bed linens. If bed bugs or eggs are found during bed bug inspections it is important to remove as much fabric from the item before bed bug control treatment begins. This will help get rid of bedbugs easier! For furniture that has cloth materials, vacuuming can be helpful in getting bedbugs and eggs out.
For bed frames or box springs with cloth materials, it can be helpful to sprinkle diatomaceous earth on the fabric before bed bug control treatment begins so that bed bugs are killed when pest management professionals spray insecticide.
As you can see, there are many things to consider when preparing your house for bed bug control treatment. It is important that the preparation be thorough and complete so as not to leave any room for a new infestation of these pests. The key takeaway from this blog post should be taken to heart by homeowners looking to get rid of their current pest problem with professional help.