Battle of the Bugs – 7 Tips For Keeping Your Home Pest-Free This Summer

Keep your home free of roaming, annoying pests this summer with our 7 easy tips!
Pests are a fact of life, but in summer even more so. Who hasn’t experienced the annoying repetition of flies flying into their face while they try to do something simple, like walking to the mailbox? Flies, mosquitoes, wasps and cockroaches are all pests that make the summertime unbearable, and when they make their way into your home, they make themselves more unwelcome than ever.
Dealing with these pests can be tough, because there are so many different ways for them to get inside your house and set themselves up, making it difficult to know where to set up defenses, chemical or otherwise. To help you with the defence of your home, we have written up seven tips for keeping your home pest free this summer.
Crawling Pests
Unlike flying pests, crawling insects can make their way under doors, and through loose-fitting windows, making them harder to defend against. There are long-term pest control chemicals that can be sprayed onto surfaces that will kill any crawling insect that passes over them within a six month time frame.
Ringing your windows, doors, and ducts into your home will ensure that anything crawling over the chemical line won’t be around long enough to bother you this summer. On that note…
To start with, summer is, by virtue of its nature, hot. People like leaving doors open in summer to help air to flow through the house and cool down the rooms, but unfortunately this also lets bugs fly through the house at will.
To ensure that they stay out of your home, installing screen doors on the major doorways of the house is a fantastic option. This will allow air to flow freely through whilst simultaneously blocking all flying insects from entering your home.
Windows are much the same as doors. Promoting light and cool air to move through your house is their whole purpose, but for some reason many people don’t put screens on their windows. This allows insects in and continues to allow them in as long as it remains open, forcing the homeowners to choose between fresh air and insects or no bugs and overwhelming heat. Screens take away this difficult decision, and are therefore key in protecting your home from an invasion of insects.
Flying Pests
Flying pests are just as easy to deal with as crawling pests. There are timed spray systems that periodically spray out pesticide into an indoor area, gradually filling the entire space with a low concentration of pesticide that won’t affect the people indoors, but will affect any insects flying in the area.
Ant Infestation
Ants are a long-standing annoyance in the home, and torrential summer rains are the worst times for them invading your home to escape the flash flooding and rain waters. Ant sand is a special kind of chemical compound that can be poured around the nest from which the ants are coming and swept into the cracks nearby to affect as many ants as possible.
Fleas are a longstanding issue for many pet owners, because they tend to get into everything and make nests away from the animals they are tracked in on. This makes them hard to get rid of and because they bite, they are more annoying than many pests.
Foggers, or “bug bombs” are effective at getting rid of fleas by poisoning all adult fleas and stopping eggs from developing any further, as well as letting the chemicals seep into all fabrics and furniture in the house.
Finally, filling any gaps in the walls that could lead behind the drywall or under the skirting boards will stop any small crawling insects from making their way inside through less obvious means. Test whether or not a gap goes through by putting some light powder, like baby powder, by the gap and watching for it blowing it away. Gap filler from hardware stores will do the job just fine, and you won’t have to deal with spiders or cockroaches sneaking in anymore.
With these tips, your pest infestation will disappear faster than ants in the rain.
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