Update Your Front Door With these 5 Easy DIY’s

Give your front door a quick makeover for 2016 with some of these easy DIY projects you can finish up in a weekend!
One way to make your home really stand out from the rest in the neighborhood is by having good curb appeal. You can really gain some points on the curb appeal meter by sprucing up your front door. If you are stuck with an old front door, or even a builder’s front door that came with your brand new house, you can easily customize it with some of these creative ideas!

Photo: Country Living
Attention Grabbing Colors
A fun way to make your front door really stand out from the rest is by painting it a bright neon hue. We love neon green, yellow, even a neon pink looks shocking and definitely grabs a passerby’s attention.
Vinyl Window Stickers
Adhesive vinyl window stickers can look very tacky, but also very elegant if done right. Get a custom vinyl adhesive made that showcases your house number. This will give you some privacy and also make your door window look a whole lot better.
Install a Storm Door
A storm door is a great way to make the most of your front door as well as add some added security. A storm door is basically a secondary glass door that goes over your existing door to offer ventilation while also shielding your main door from inclement weather and storms.It is also great a protecting your front door’s hardware and paint job. When changing your front door, you may also want to update your home alarm system to work with your new storm door.

Photo: Kristen Buckingham
Add Some Plant Life
Give your front door some life and energy with potted plants that can last all year around. Check out your local garden center and ask for potted plants that are low-maintenance such as succulents.
Use Contrasting Colors
Create contrast and add a punch of color to your front door by painting the border around your door a lighter color. Then for your actual door, paint it a rich, dark hue like this midnight black. Make sure to use paint that has a glossy finish – it looks more classy.
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