Make Your Own Glass Cleaner with these 4 Easy Eco-Friendly Recipes!

Stop breathing in harmful chemicals and make your own glass cleaner with these easy and cheap recipes!

516x430_acTo make your own glass cleaner all you need is a few common household products. So, grab an empty spray bottle and ditch that store bought spray in favour of these eco-friendly recipes!

1. Mix equal parts water and vinegar and pour into a spray bottle. Spray down any glass surface and wipe clean with crumpled newspaper.

2. Mix 2 cups warm water, 1 tbsp corn starch, 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol, 1/4 cup vinegar, and 1/2 tsp dish soap. Shake well before use.

3. Mix 2 tbsp of borax and 3 cups of water. Spray on windows and wipe away with a clean cloth. Rinse off the solution with equal parts water and vinegar.

129.large4. Add 1 tbsp lemon juice to 1 quart warm water. Spray and wipe dry.

Photo: Snapguide.


