5 Tips For Getting Rid of Pet Hair in Your Home

Pet hair is the most common complaint of dog and cat owners. Check out our 5 tips on how to get it under control in your home!

dogbedHaving pets in your household is great fun, but every pet owner knows the stress of having to deal with pet hair. If you find that your home is getting overrun by hair, follow our 5 tips to getting it hair-free!

1. Cover it Up

Use slip covers on your couches and chairs. These will catch the hair, which means less hair on your floors. Before throwing them in the wash, put them in the dryer for about 10 minutes with a fabric softener sheet. This will help loosen some of the hair. Using fabric softener in the wash will help loosen even more hairs, too.

2. Slick Surfaces

If you absolutely hate any hair on your furniture or carpets, it might be time to invest in furnishings that are hair resistant. This includes hardwood or tile flooring, leather or pleather, canvas, and heavy duty cotton fabric.

3. Removing the Hair

If your furniture is covered in hair, there are a few ways to get rid of it. Lint rollers are great, as they effectively pick up hair from any surface. But, they do create a lot of waste and can get expensive. Try using a rubber glove spritzed with water. Put the glove on and wipe down your couches and chairs. The hair will stick to the glove and you can just rinse the glove when you’re finished. Dryer sheets are also good at picking up hair from your furniture. Simply wipe down surfaces with the dryer sheet.

Cat-on-couch4. Vacuum

Change the bag in your vacuum cleaner often to keep dust at bay and your vacuum running nicely. A full bag in a vacuum cleaner makes vacuuming less effective, and throws more dust out into your air, too. Make sure to keep the brush attachments clean, as hair can get caught in these as well. To keep your carpets hair-free, experts recommend going over them 3 times in alternating directions to loosen up as much hair as possible. If you have the budget consider purchasing a Deebot Pet Vacuum Cleaner, so that your vacuum cleaner can do the cleaning for you!

5. Brushing

Brushing your pets is a way to greatly reduce hair from accumulating in your home. Use the Furminator brush to remove dead hair from your pet that will end up falling out. Giving your pet a bath will also help in removing a lot of loose hair.

Photos: Vegas Chatter, Wikimedia.
