How Do You Plan a Backyard Campout?

There is nothing much better than camping out under the stars, making fires, and cooking up some tasty, sweet smores!
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Don’t worry if you are not very keen to take your kids out into the nearest woodlands. Simply set up camp outside in your own backyard. That way, if there are any issues or you need to use the toilet, you can just use your own. If that sounds like an awesome idea, you may be wondering how you go about planning your backyard campout. That’s where the team at Canopy Tent Advisor can really help. In the following blog post, you will find plenty of tips, hints, and advice.
Always Consider The Weather
Even though you are not going to be very far away from the more stable and protective roof over your head that is your own house, you should always consider the weather. The last thing you want is to set up camp and settling down for the night in your sleeping bags, only to have to rush back inside because there is a downpour. And that’s even if you manage to set up the camp before getting caught in the downpour.
Check the Rules About Starting Fires
Wherever you go camping, you should be aware of what the rules are regarding starting fires. This is true even when it’s just in your backyard. For example, if you live in a homeowner’s association property, there may be neighborhood restrictions in place as well as the city or county die codes that you need to follow. It may mean that you are allowed to have a fire but need to follow a specific set of rules about starting one and then also putting it out.
Get The Right Gear
For an authentic camping experience, even in the backyard, you need the right gear. That means in addition to a tent, you need a sleeping bag and maybe even a pillow for all that are joining you. We consider those to be the basics. In addition to those basics, though, other gear you should consider investing in includes a flashlight (for telling stories around the campfire at night and those middle of the night trips to the bathroom).
Food Glorious Food
While food could easily have been included under the heading above, we felt it was so important a part of the whole camping experience that it needed its own subheading. The kind of food you choose to have for your backyard camping experience will greatly depend on your own and your kid’s preferences, but we recommend getting a camping grill or stove so that you can make burgers and hot dogs. But as tasty as that all sounds, the number one most important food that you need to have for any camping experience, whether it’s in your backyard or at the foot of the Rockies somewhere, is marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate to make smores.
Ideas for Campout Games and Activities
Of course, it is an adventure in itself sleeping outside under the stars. That doesn’t mean, however, that you shouldn’t try and make sure there are some entertaining games and activities you can all enjoy. This could be something as simple as campfire singalongs and storytelling or a little more elaborate like flashlight foraging, where one person hides something small like a toy or a trinket in the backyard and then everyone else has to try and find it once it gets dark using their flashlights.
Camping is a lot of fun for the whole family, even when you just do it in your backyard.
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