Effective Adelaide Pest Control Methods You Can Try Out

Get control over the pests in your home with these effective methods you should definitely try!
Pests can be found in many different forms, be it a cute little rodent or a scary-looking insect they are all hazardous to our health. When pests enter your home, it can be quite tricky to get them to leave. If you don’t do something fast, they’ll end up multiplying by the numbers. As an end result, your home will be taken over by these pesty creepers before you know it. Preventing pests to enter your home, is one of the best methods in keeping their filthy paws away from your family. Consulting professional and experienced pest controllers in Adelaide like the guys at pestaid.com.au, will give you all the tools you need to keep them at bay. Especially, if they’ve already infiltrated the walls of your garden, pool, and home, you definitely need to phone the professionals. In case you want to try out a few prevention methods first, here is our top list of effective methods you can try out:
Know What You’re Dealing With
Pests can be very sneaky; hiding under floorboards, in room walls, under carpets, and deep within cupboards and closets. You might see or hear the destruction before actually seeing the cause of it. When you start hearing scratching noises, seeing debris from their midnight rampages, or smell something funny in the house, it’s time to investigate. Australia is known for its strange-looking insects and animals. Some of these bugs aren’t nearly as harmful as others. It’s therefore important that you investigate your specific situation to narrow down what animal or insect you are dealing with. Typical pests found in Adelaide properties are:
- Termites
- Bed bugs
- Ants
- Cockroaches
- Spiders
- Rats
- Mice and
- Ants
These creatures only become pests when they’ve invaded your home, are eating from your pantry, and are trying to take over your living space. They are usually found in the masses. Once you’ve identified what kind of pest is causing destruction, you can take necessary action in controlling them. Check out these lifehacks to control pests in your home.
This method is used in outdoor areas and specifically in greenhouses to control pests through a biologically inclined technique. This technique introduces the pest’s natural enemy like parasites, predators, or pathogens. When the natural enemy is introduced, it prohibits the pest to breed and multiply. You might need to consult a professional when it comes to a biological method, since it’s important to introduce the right kind of natural enemy into the area. This method is eco-friendly and safe to other animals and nature. Also, a great solution and alternative to the outdoor scarecrow who biologically doesn’t really scare away pesty termites, rats, and ants.
Natural And Ecofriendly Methods
With the world moving towards a more globally friendly approach to everything they try, organic pest control has become quite a popular method to enforce. By opting for a more natural approach, you will ensure that no other animals or plants are hurt in the process. These natural methods usually target only pests, which means that if your little pet digests it, they won’t be harmed. In the same way, it won’t damage or kill plants in your garden or other friendly insects like butterflies and ladybugs. Typically, traps are set by using sodium fluoroacetate as bait. This is a biodegradable poison that is cost-effective and very efficient in destroying pests only. By mixing in a little bit of this poison with bait like scraps of food, a pest will consume it with a fatal consequence. Because sodium fluoroacetate is biodegradable, it doesn’t pose any post-mortem troubles to its surroundings. Other natural and organic pest controlling methods will include floating row covers, insecticidal soap, oil sprays, and parasitic nematodes, amongst others.
Chemical Pesticides
Using pesticides have become quite a controversial topic. It has been proven that a large amount of chemical pesticides can be hazardous to humans and that they contaminate food, water, farmlands, and air. Because of this discovery, government and health departments from all over the world have introduced specific rules and regulations to contain the harmful nature of pesticides, especially used on farmlands. Once digested, pesticides can kill pests in a flash. This is why it is still one of the most-used methods in getting rid of unwanted pests. The chemical can enter the pest either through the skin, through the respiratory system, or orally through the mouth.
Most chemical pesticides are found in liquid, solid, or aerosol form and is specifically designed to attack a certain group of pests. Consumers can find different aerosol pesticides at their local hardware store. It’s very important that you read the label on the bottle before using it in your home. Avoid using it near food, dishes, and utensils to prevent your family from digesting it. Best to consult a professional if you want to try this method. Especially when working with chemical pesticides, you need someone who is trained in using the method in and outside a home.
Keep an Eye on Hygiene
Life can become so hectic, that many of us put home hygiene on the back seat. If you want to prevent pests from being attracted to your home you have to throw out the trash, flush the toilet, clean drains, and clean any old debris residue from trash bins, amongst other. It doesn’t mean that your home is a pigsty when you spot one or two cockroaches in the kitchen. But keeping cupboards, floors, surfaces, and containers clean, will prevent pests from multiplying and invading your home. A clean home is a happy place and most probably a healthy living residence that won’t attract unwanted creepers. Pests can be extremely harmful to humans and animals. What might seem like a cute and cuddly mouse, can actually be destructive to your home. It’s therefore important to keep them at bay by either phoning an expert pest control service or taking precaution methods.
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