How to Care for your Landscaping all Year Long

Maintaining a vibrant landscape all year round requires a great degree of consistency and care!
As seasons change, it’s important to plant trees and shrubs that can withstand the harsh weather patterns. Working with a reputable landscaping company such as G&G Landscapes can also provide immense benefits. Proper landscaping is a delicate skill that can be learned through practice and careful attention to detail. In this article, we will provide you with some helpful tips that will help you create a beautiful landscape throughout the year.
Here are 5 tips to Caring for your Landscaping all Year Long:
Create a Grand Plan
If you’re looking to have an exquisite landscape all year long, you’ll need to create a well-orchestrated master plan. Keep the plan simple and attainable. Assess your outdoor pathways, plants and living areas and see whether they fit into your plan. If you intend to plant different plant varieties during each season, write down all the trees and shrubs you’d like to grow. Making a grand plan helps you visualize how your landscape will eventually look like throughout the year. When creating a master landscaping plan, you should include elements that already exist within your garden as well as those items that you’d like to integrate into the landscape.
Select the Right Plants for Each Season
Winter is a tough month for plants. However, shrubs and evergreen trees (such as Cripps False Cypress and Blue Star Juniper) usually maintain their colorful foliage all year long, making them ideal for any landscape. Spring is a cordial season characterized by warmth and vibrant colors. It’s the perfect time to grow early-blooming plants such as forsythia. Lilacs will provide a dash of color during late spring. Crepe myrtle trees and sumac shrubs will thrive wonderfully in summer and fall seasons respectively.
Apply Effective Pest and Weed Control Measures
The warmth of spring attracts an assortment of pests and insects that thrive in outdoor landscapes. These bugs feed off plants’ leaves and trunks, destroying their lushness in the process. Weed infestation could also jeopardize the health of plants growing within your garden. Crabgrass, pigweed and thatch are some of the most aggressive weed varieties to grow in most landscapes. To avoid pest and weed infestation, it’s important to follow an effective Pest and Weed Management Program provided by any trusted landscaper. Such programs emphasize year-round organic lawn care that creates a chemical-free ambience within your garden.
Conduct Regular Mulching and Watering
Mulching refers to covering the top soil with grass clippings, straw and other organic materials. Apart from helping the soil to retain its moisture content, mulch smothers weed and provides nutrient-rich manure for your crops once it starts decomposing. It’s important to mulch around trees, shrubs and flowers regularly – this will provide your landscape with a spruce, well-tended look. Lawns also need to be watered frequently during dry seasons. Providing an inch of water per week should be a strict rule of thumb. In addition, homeowners should water their lawns either in the morning or evening during summer. Following these vital tips can help you take proper care of your landscaping all year long!
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