The Efficient Garden: How to Save Water for Summer Heatwaves

Save water during this summer’s heatwave with these efficient garden watering ideas!
The definition of “heatwave” varies between nations, but with global warming in full flow, it would be fair to say that more and more countries are experiencing hotter summers. For those who like to top up their tan, this is of course fantastic. For those with green fingers, it can be troublesome. It can be difficult to stop the grass from scorching, and the same rules apply to plants.
In and amongst this there are obvious concerns about water usage and ensuring that you don’t use too much. Today’s guide is going to focus on this subject and show some of the best ways you can conserve water whilst looking after your garden.
Not All Outside Faucets are Equal
As we all know, outside faucets can be a Godsend. They mean that we don’t have to link a hosepipe all through the house, and potentially cause leaks in the process. Unfortunately, not all outside faucets are equal. They are prone to leakage, with many incorrectly hooked up to the internal plumbing system. Considering the huge wastage that can occur with a leaky faucet, it’s advisable to consult a Dallas faucet repair expert if you suspect any sort of issue.
“Back up” Your Water Through the Year
Sure, you might not be receiving huge downpours during the summer, but start to prepare for these warmer months by installing a water butt in the winter. Some of the more modern options can link to your downpipes, meaning that any water from your roof can be collected in them. The result? You no longer have to rely on your mains water to water your lawn or plants – you already have a healthy supply.
How Much Water Do You Really Need?
In a bid to avoid the problems documented in the introduction to today’s article, many of us overwater our garden. In reality, we need far less than what we use and you can easily determine this through your soil type. For example, if your garden is based on clay, you don’t need to water it quite as often although when you do, you will need to use larger quantities. Then, if your garden contains a lot of plants, you should be aiming for 24 litres of water for every square metre of plants.
Arm Yourself with the Most Appropriate Watering Techniques
When it comes to watering, there really is no “right” way that tackles every scenario. For example, sprinkler systems are fantastic for lawns, but if you are looking to water small, localised areas of your garden they aren’t going to be as effective. In these instances, you need something that can hone in on specific areas, with a hosepipe or watering can usually being the best weapon of choice. Nowadays, there are also automatic systems to take into account and while these can work wonders in your battle to save water, they can be expensive to buy initially and have to be programmed properly to work efficiently.
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