Use Fast-Growing Trees to Transform Your Garden

If you want to transform your garden, planting a tree or maybe two is an excellent way to make a start. There are thousands to choose from, so it is relatively easy to find a variety that will work in your garden.
Photo: Via Flickr
This guide to fast-growing trees tells you about some of the most popular and readily available varieties. It is a great starting point when it comes to choosing the right ones to grow in your garden. There are lots of ways you can use trees to enhance your home.
Grow Your Own Fruit
If you like growing your own food and have space, planting an orchard is a great idea. Fruit trees are very pretty. In the spring, the blossom smells wonderful and they are a great source of food for the bees.
In the past, many fruit trees like cherries had to be planted in pairs to produce fruit. One female and one male, but, in most cases, this is no longer necessary. You can now buy hybrid varieties that can produce fruit even if you only plant a single tree. This means that you do not necessarily have to have a big garden to be able to grow a wide variety of fruit. Many of these trees can produce fruit within just a year or two of being planted in your garden.
Photo: JC Webb Studios
Create Truly Private Spaces in your Garden
For those homeowners who have other houses located close to them, privacy can be a big issue. If you are overlooked by neighbor’s planting a hedge can be a great way to solve this problem. There are plenty of fast-growing evergreen trees available. Most are perfect for this job especially those that can be cut and trimmed liked boxwood which always creates a modern design to your home. Once established they do not take a lot of looking after. All you need to do is to cut them off at the top once they have reached the desired height and trim them back once a year.
Photo: Private Newport
Create Separate Areas in your Garden
If you have a big garden, dividing it up into separate spaces is a great way to improve your home backyard design through gardening. It is nice for the children to have somewhere they can kick a ball around without worrying about damaging your plants. You can use fast-growing trees to create a hedged off play area and do so within a few seasons. Fast-growing cypress is a particularly good choice because they create a dense hedge that will stop balls from escaping and doing damage to delicate plants in other areas of your garden.
Create Micro-Climates
You can use the same method to create little micro-climates within your garden. This is particularly useful if you live somewhere that is very windy. Some varieties of evergreen tree can grow even in areas where there is a strong prevailing wind. Typically, they do not grow as fast, but once established and are tall enough they can become really effective windbreaks. You can learn more about using them in this way by clicking through and reading the in-depth article you will find there.
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