Top Tips to Keep Your Floors Clean and Make them Sparkle!

Learn how to keep your floors clean at all times, and plus follow our tricks on how to make them sparkle!
Photo: Ambient Architecture
It’s hard keeping your floors clean especially if your home receives a lot of traffic from kids, pets, guests, and even yourself. We went through the same struggle until we learned a few tricks on how you can keep your floors looking clean throughout the week as well as some tips on how you can make them sparkle and shine like they are receiving constant love from the best steam cleaner!
Wear Slippers at All Times!
Before you go cleaning your floors, I always get down to the root of the problem and try to avoid it all together. This is a no-brainer but it’s the best cleaning and decorating tip that will go a long way. Changing from your outdoor shoes to your slippers before entering your home is one of the first steps that will help keep your floors looking their cleanest. You would be surprised at how much dirt, dust, bacteria and outdoor debris comes inside all off of your shoes. Make sure to change them and keep extra slippers at hand in case you have guests.
Sweep Your Floors Daily

Photo: Hardwood
An easy way to maintain cleanliness in your home is to sweep your floors daily. Taking ten minutes every day to do a basic sweep will do a lot in keeping your floors looking clean. Make sure you have a proper broom and do not use a standard one made from plant stalk material. There are specialized brooms on the market that have short rubber bristles that actually help attract dust and get into the gaps of tiles and carpeting.
Weekly Vacuum Floors and Carpets
Make vacuuming a part of your weekly cleaning schedule. Not only does vacuuming suck up a lot more dirt and dust than sweeping, but it is also a good preventative measure to avoid scratching your floors while mopping. When vacuuming, make sure you use the proper attachments for the best results for floors, carpets, upholstery and crevices.
Photo: Leicht New York
Mop Your Floors at the End of Every Week
Refreshen your floors after a long week with weekly mopping. You can mop your floors with plain water and soap to get our grime, dirt, and stains that have accumulated throughout the week. The best way to get your floors to dry super fast? Mop them with hot boiling water, open a few windows, and watch them dry super fast!
Make them Sparkle
Photo: Pinterest
This is probably the most affordable, easy, and do-able trick that will surely make your floors sparkle. This trick will work if you have tiles, hardwood, or even laminate flooring. Are you ready? Wipe your floors with a mix of half water and vinegar to bring back the shine to dull floors! One of my go-to cleaning hacks, vinegar is cheap and plus it’s environmentally friendly and non-toxic. So what are you waiting for? Clean away!
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