Make These Whimsical Garden Spheres for Under $20!

Add a touch of whimsy to your garden with these easy-to-make and budget-friendly garden spheres!
Article By: Mirna Cacic
We’re big fans of garden decor, and we think that these adorable glass spheres would be the perfect addition to any flowerbed or lawn. If you’re looking to add a touch of magic to your vegetable garden, lawn, or flowerbed, these spheres are super easy to make and budget-friendly, too. Made using flat marbles, silicone, and lamp globes, no one will be able to tell that they cost less than $20! Take a look at the tutorial below and make your own today!
Supply Checklist:
1) Lamp globe – Make sure you use a globe that is made of strong glass. You can find these at any hardware store in the lamp section, or check your local thrift store (you can also use bowling balls).
2) Flat marbles, beads, thrift store jewelery, or anything else you like to add a touch of magic to your garden spheres.
3) Silicone Sealant or Silicone Adhesive – Make sure it’s for outdoor use and is waterproof. In this project, GE Silicone II was used.
4) Caulking gun – These are cheap and can be found at any hardware store.
5) Bowl – To hold the globe in place while you’re decorating it.
Step #1:
Place the lamp globe in a bowl. When you’re applying the silicone, make sure it is at least 1/4″ thick.
Step #2:
Begin applying the first row of flat marbles to the lamp globe. Press the flat marbles securely into the silicone. Don’t worry if silicone spreads around it as you’re pressing, as it will help hold the marbles in place.
Step #3:
Turn the globe over and work from the bottom towards the top. This way, every row of marbles will rest on the rows below it. It’s okay if the marbles touch each other, this will help them stay in place. Make sure you read the label on the silicone packaging for the product’s drying time. You may need to work on your sphere in sections, allowing one section to dry before working on the next one.
Step #4:
After the silicone has dried, it’s time to place your new garden sphere outside! These look best in groups, so go crazy!
Photos: Empress of Dirt, Karen Weigert Enos.
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