Buying Vintage Furniture- Are you Playing by the Rules?

Follow our guide on how to purchase vintage furniture, the right way!
Photo: Via eBay
Unfortunately, buying antiques is a lot harder than it might seem when it comes to furniture, vintage furniture is truly unique, in the sense that there are some rules that must be taken into consideration. Without these rules it’s pretty hard to evaluate furniture as an investment and to actually create a décor worth investing in or worth priding yourself with. So the next time you’re in the market for a Mid Century Modern Sofa, keep these things in mind:
Make every single piece count
When it comes to arranging antiques in your house, you should make every single piece count. You can do this by assuring that each has a distinct place in a distinct room and that when someone will walk in a specific room, they will immediately associate it with the antique piece that is displayed there.
Also learn to make use of the various properties of a vintage piece when you assign it to a room. If its color palette or striking texture are perfect for a room, make sure to make that match and to take advantage of the qualities you have at your disposal.
Even spread
This tip refers to the importance of spreading out your antique richness across multiple rooms of a home, and not confining it all to just one room. Vintage furniture is a fantastic way to jazz up your home only if you do it the right way. This is a mistake that often times occurs due to the fact that many antique collectors are beginners and don’t really know what they’re doing.
You can use antiques and vintage furniture to makeover your room from top to bottom, but it’s certainly not as easy as it sounds. It’s really important that you learn early on when it comes to these things because it’s really easy to form bad habits, even when it comes to interior décor and vintage furniture. If you just stockpile all of your vintage pieces in a single room, it will take away their decorative power. The room will become overcrowded and the abundance of pieces will make each individual one lose its shine. This is why having pieces in multiple rooms and across hallways helps a lot with immersion and creating a sense of vintage for house visitors.
Don’t stop to segregate
Especially if you’re new to the whole vintage furniture thing, you shouldn’t stop to mix and match pieces based on what year they’re from and similar criteria which more experienced collectors are very keen of. This will only create more obstacles for you and ultimately hurt your chances of creating a truly unique and aesthetically pleasing environment in your home.
No matter how many generations apart your antiques might be, they possess an individual decorative strength that doesn’t have to be scattered by only giving it credit when it the company of similar pieces.
Don’t skimp out on the small rooms
Many times, when people decorate using vintage pieces, they tend to leave out smaller rooms, considering that these rooms aren’t worth the vintage decorations. This is a mistake, as all rooms in a house are worthy of having something special on the decorative front. By ignoring certain rooms, you are breaking the uniformity of the design and creating a hole in your own design concept. Don’t be afraid to assign decorative pieces to rooms like the bathroom, which is usually ignored or overlooked in terms of high end aesthetics.
Make use of these tips when you go hunting for new pieces for your vintage collection, as it will help you be more successful in your picks and also in your aptitude to arrange them afterwards.
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