4 Ways to Help Your Pet’s Allergies

Do you or your friends have allergies that can ruin a daily routine? Did you know that the same is true for your pets? As a responsible pet owner, you can take several steps to eliminate the allergens that cause your best friend to suffer. Discover four ways that you can help ease your pet’s allergies.

english bulldog puppy sneezing at another dog wearing a medical mask with reflection on white background
Keep a Washcloth Handy
Any animal that goes outside is more susceptible to allergens. Bugs, plants, grass, and other animals all contain substances that can cause your pet discomfort. A great way to avoid such issues is by keeping a washcloth handy for your pet.
When your pet returns from outdoor adventures, wipe down its paws. If you have a pet that doesn’t mind water, give it a bath once a month. If you notice any signs of pet allergies, such as constant scratching, bathe your pet immediately. Soap and water are the most effective substances to keep pets clean.
Switch to Artificial Grass
A common misconception exists that dogs are allergic to grass. They’re actually allergic to grass pollen, and this affliction can cause discomfort for them. They may try to itch or bite their skin to stop the irritation. The ideal solution is to prevent the allergy entirely.
Consider buying artificial grass, or turf, to replace the grass in your yard. Since turf doesn’t contain grass pollen, your pet should be much more comfortable. Turf is more durable than grass and resistant to wear from your pet’s paws. Quality turf from a vendor such as System Pavers can also stop your dog from digging in the dirt, one of the most disruptive canine habits.
Clean Their Territory
Every pet eventually settles into a routine. Certain areas of the home, both inside and outside, become a part of their daily routine. Your pet will likely claim and possibly mark its territory. As a pet owner, one of your responsibilities is to keep these common areas clean.
Any allergens your pet tracks indoors from the outside that you can’t remove inevitably wind up in these places. If you don’t decontaminate these areas, your pet may suffer from dirty conditions. Take time each week to wipe down all the spots your pet is likely to frequent daily.
Change Their Diet
Animals can have food allergies, too, so take notice if your pets have an adverse reaction to their food. Do they scratch their ears a lot? Do they vomit, defecate, or urinate after a meal? Does this sickness happen soon after they eat? If you answered yes to more than one of these questions, a food allergy is a possibility.
According to Web MD, 10 percent of all dogs suffer from this condition. Pick a different flavor or brand the next time you buy pet food. These changes may help you to identify the underlying issue.
You don’t want your pets to suffer from allergies that cause an aggravating condition. Follow the tips above to reduce the risk of your pets experiencing adverse reactions to allergies.
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