How to Create a Dreamy Cottage Garden

With summer very much on the way, now is the time to start thinking about sprucing up your outdoor space in time for the warm weather!

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Here are some ideas for how to create a dreamy cottage garden.
Start Early
The sooner you start the preparations in your garden, the sooner it will be ready to enjoy. By planning and preparing in the winter and early spring, you can ensure that your garden is in full bloom when summer comes around.
First, start by planning what you want to do with your outdoor space. Having a detailed plan in place before you start will make creating a wonderful garden a breeze, so spend some time mapping out exactly how you want your garden to look and feel. Once you know what you want to do, get as many things in place as early as possible. For example, you can plant spring bloomers in the winter, so that by the time spring has begun, your garden will already be filled with vibrant colors and smells.
Sort the Lawn
Another thing that you can begin to take control of in the winter is your lawn. Don’t wait for the summer, when you want to be enjoying the grass, to get a handle on your lawn. If you wait until the summer to start on your lawn, the sun will be gone by the time you have a space you can actually enjoy.
Plant grass seed during the winter months to allow enough time for the grass to grow into a lush carpet. The wetter weather will also help the grass seed to grow and require less time and input from you. You’ll use less water and have a thick, healthy lawn by the time summer starts if you crack on nice and early.
Plant Evergreens
A great way to give your garden a lush, woodland feel is by planting some evergreen plants in your borders. Evergreen plants do not lose their leaves in the winter, instead keeping a thick covering year-round. By filling your borders with evergreens, you not only prevent the edges of your garden from turning into a sparse mud bath in the winter, you will also ensure you have plenty of plant life on display in the summer.
Consider increasing the size of your borders and decreasing the size of your lawn. This has a few benefits. Firstly, as mentioned above, it will mean that your garden is full of plants all year and less susceptible to becoming bare and muddy in the winter. Secondly, evergreen shrubs and border plants require far less maintenance and upkeep than a lawn does, saving you both time and money.
Consider a Water Feature
Nothing invokes the feeling of a secluded woodland getaway better than a bubbling water feature. Water features come in all shapes and sizes, from a small fountain, right the way up to a naturalistic wildlife pond. The cost of a pond will vary depending on what type and size of feature you are looking to add to your garden. Consider the amount of space that you have, what level of upkeep you are comfortable with, and your budget. Have a look at the options available and choose something that works for you. A pond is a surefire way to make your garden a place you can spend countless hours relaxing in.
Invite the Wildlife
Just because you live in a town or a city, it doesn’t mean you can’t bring a countryside feeling to your garden. Making your garden attractive for the local wildlife is a great way to make your space feel more natural and alive. As discussed above, a pond is a great addition to a garden and has the added benefit of attracting a lot of wildlife, from insects to birds. You could also add fish to your pond, creating a living water feature.
If a pond isn’t feasible, there are plenty of other ways to attract wildlife. Bird feeders can be hung in trees year-round and attract all kinds of different birds to your garden. Plus, you will be helping to feed them over the lean winter months. Insect houses are another great way to increase the wildlife in your garden. There are many different types available that will attract a variety of insects to make their homes there. Consider what kinds of critters you would like in your garden and find the best habitat to encourage them.
Hopefully, this has given you a few ideas for creating the cottage garden of your dreams. This is a space for you to enjoy, so let your creativity run wild and start crafting the perfect outdoor space to enjoy this summer.