Indicators That You Might Need Main Sewer Line Replacement Services

Is your sewer in need of repair? Keep an eye out for these indicators and you might need to call the handy man soon!

Across the vast majority of homeowners, “out of sight, out of mind” is probably a likely descriptor for their main sewer line. They do not spend hours a day simply thinking about their main sewer lines like you and I. However, the reality is that your house’s sewer pipe will not last forever. In most cases, you will see that a majority of your main sewer lines are only going to last from 50-100 years before needing mainstream line replacement, and this can bring significant sewer line replacement costs.

That annoying clinking sound might actually be a broken sewer line happening right under your nose without you even realizing it. That is why you have to be on the lookout for some of these common broken sewer line symptoms constantly. Here are some signs that it is time to give them a call for our main sewer line replacement services! Be mindful of sewer line replacement costs as they can vary depending on the complexity of the issue and the materials required.

Wondering how to identify a cracked sewer line? Here are the indicators that you need to contact for main line replacement service :

Drains That Are Slow Throughout the House

Many homes experience slow drains due to food particles, hair, and soap scum. Clearing a drain can often be a simple task for homeowners, who might opt to clean the drains themselves or hire a professional plumber for drain cleaning.

However, if slow drains are affecting most or all of your home, it could indicate a bigger issue, such as a broken sewer pipe. In this case, a professional plumber should be called for an inspection. If initial drain cleaning doesn’t resolve the problem, it might be necessary to consider a sewer pipe inspection or even a main sewer line replacement.

Clogs Occur More Often in Your Home’s Plumbing

One of the plumbing pipes in your home may clog, preventing water from escaping and causing a backup. This can be due to toilet paper from the bathroom or fatty substances from the kitchen. Stinky water can usually be eradicated by hiring a plumber to clear your pipes using HydroScrub® jetting services or another method.

However, if multiple pipes in your home or commercial property are clogged, it could indicate a broken sewer line. In this case, you will need a plumber to inspect and potentially repair your main sewer line.

Sewage Back Up into Your Home

The most obvious and unpleasant sign that you need main sewer line replacement is raw sewage backing up into your property. Ignoring other signs and continuing to use your drains can lead to this severe issue. When the sewer line becomes overloaded, it can push sewage back into your home, creating a health hazard.

At this point, you must call a plumber for help. While a thorough drain cleaning might temporarily resolve the issue, you may need to schedule a main sewer line replacement to prevent future blockages and protect your home.

Inside – Sewer Gas Odors Can Be Noticeable Inside Your Home, Too.

Ever smell something like a sewer in your home? This putrid smell can make living conditions unbearable and potentially harmful due to toxic fumes. If you encounter such powerful odors, leave your house immediately. Prolonged exposure can lead to health issues.

Your next step should be to contact a plumbing company to inspect the source of the smell. Often, they find it originates from a leaking underground sewage pipe. If the sewer pipe is damaged, you might even smell it outside near your home. This situation calls for immediate action by a plumber to resolve the issue.

More Green Patches in Your Yard

Are there areas in your lawn that are way greener than another?

You may think this is because these parts are wetter, or drier; sunnier throughout the day and therefore outcompeting other cells. About this time, you may begin to believe that there are areas of turf not coming in as green as the others do you require more?

Those additional spots of green grass however could be a sign that your sewer line is broken. Roots from a tree may have broken your sewer line, allowing sewage to spill out of them every time you flush the toilet or run water in your house.

This is something you might appreciate in the way your lawn looks. Well, you won’t like what happens if more shit leaks out of your broken sewer line. If the cause of your green grass in a sewer line break you will want to call out a plumber right away.

Wet Patches on Your Lawn

If you don’t address a damaged sewer pipe, your grass may turn yellow, and the soil beneath it will become too wet from the leaking sewer line. Over time, your lawn will develop wet patches, becoming a boggy mess. Maintaining it will become nearly impossible.

In the worst case, the ground could weaken, leading to sinkholes. To prevent this, call a plumber to inspect your sewer line and determine if main sewer line replacement services are needed.

Infestations Of Pests Either On The Inside And Or Outside Of Your Home.

If sewage seeps onto your property, it won’t stay there long after rain, attracting numerous pests. You’ll notice an increase in mosquitoes due to standing water, turning from an inconvenience to a health risk.

That’s just the start. Rodents, which thrive in sewers, may invade your home, and cracks in your sewer line can become breeding grounds for insects. To prevent this, schedule a main sewer line replacement to protect your home from these pest invasions.

Mold And Mildew Infestations In Your Home’s Ceilings, Walls, Floors

Wastewater from your home will find an alternative path if not through your plumbing fixtures. It might leak out onto your sewer pipe or back into the plumbing fixtures, and some may leak from your plumbing pipes. This causes damp patches on ceilings, walls, and floors.

If left unchecked, these wet spots can quickly turn into mold and mildew, spreading throughout your home. Mold thrives in humid environments and can lead to health issues, from nasal drips and coughs to severe respiratory problems. Don’t let plumbing leaks from a cracked sewer pipe linger.

Have You Been Wondering If Main Sewer Line Replacement Is Necessary?

What about other signs you might have observed coming up recently? If you have, then main sewer line replacement may be right for you.

When it comes to sewer pipe services, we can offer you the sustioes that your sewer line pipes will do their business. We specialize in everything, from fixing or replacing sewer lines to gutter installation and all at a price that you are able to afford.
