Touring A Resale House Checklist

Thinking about purchasing a home? Here is how to check a house before buying it!
When you are considering touring a resale house, you will need a checklist to take with you to ensure that you are looking for specific things. It is never a good idea to “wing it” because you will forget to ask for vital information, which you will remember as soon as you get back home. Let’s go ahead and look at the list you should have, so you can go from there.
You want to scan the area when you first pull up the house. Your first impression will stick with you throughout the tour. If you see something you do not like, do not let it affect how you view the rest of the house.
You must keep an open mind, go through the checklist for outside of the home, and make notes. Make lots of notes. You may think you can remember everything, but there is a lot to check out and more to try and keep track of.
– Check the condition of the paint
– Check the condition of the roof (just glancing, no climbing unless you really need to)
– Check the condition of outbuildings
– Check the condition of the gutters
– Check the condition of the landscaping
– Check the condition of any steps
– Check the condition of the patio
– Check the condition of the porch
– Check the condition of the foundation
– Check the condition of any fencing
– Check the condition of any gates
– Check the condition of pools or hot tubs
Once you go inside, you need to switch gears and start looking for things in a little dimmer light. You need to make sure that you think like a store manager. Assume that everything is good, take the word of the current owners or the realtor, but verify for yourself.
Never assume that you are being told the entire truth. This is not to say that most people are not honest, but it is a good idea to check it out yourself. Here are some things to watch for while walking through the interior of the resale home.
– Check the condition of the ceilings
– Check the condition of the walls (look behind furniture and big pictures)
– Check the condition of the floors (walk around to find weak spots)
– Check the condition of the paint
– Check the condition of the carpets
– Check the condition of the tile
– Check the condition of the plumbing (turn faucets on)
– Check the condition of the electricity ( turn things on and off)
– Check the condition of the appliances
– Check the function of the windows
– Check the operation of the doors
– Check the operation of the heater
– Check the function of hot water (run through faucet)
– Check the operation of the cooling system (if any)
– Check the operation of the alarm system (if any)
– Check the operation of the cooking stove
– Check the operation of the heating stove (if any)
– Check any extras in the house (if any)
A resale home is a great way to get into an affordable house that is still in great shape. Before you set up a time to go tour through one, you need to ensure that the owner is selling because they want to sell, not because they are being forced to.
The difference can be substantial when buying a resale house in good shape. If they are being forced out, there is no guarantee that they have not done any damage to the home. Damage that you may not be able to see. It is best to avoid these types of homes. Let someone else discover the little surprises the previous owners left for the new ones.