Creating An Outdoor Potting Station

Create an outdoor potting station to complete your gardening hobby – here’s how!
Photos via: Houzz
As the days get longer and warmer, the pull to spend time outdoors becomes stronger. Whether you are a master gardener or you simply enjoy being outside with family, making your outdoor space beautiful can be simpler than you imagine. With planning, creativity and organization your outdoor space can be the crown jewel of your home.
Do you have a green thumb? Do you spend hours or even days planning your landscaping or choosing the perfect flowering plants for your porch or patio? Perhaps you were given a beautiful potted plant, but it has outgrown its pot. You know that you want to spend substantial time planting flowers and re-potting your houseplants, but you have hesitated to do so because the task is a messy one.
Consider A Potting Station
Have you considered creating a potting station outside? Consider the possibilities of a dedicated space for all your planting needs. All of your potting soil, plant foods, trowels, gloves and gardening supplies could be conveniently stored in one place. With proper planning, you would even have a surface on which to complete your work.
Find Your Space
The first step to creating your potting station is to take an objective look at your space. How do you currently use your outdoor space? Often organizing the outdoor spaces is an overlooked task, but having areas that are dedicated to your favorite activities can make the space more enjoyable.
Now that you have taken a long, hard look at the space you have, it is time to choose a location for your potting bench.
Do you want it underneath your favorite tree, or would you prefer it to rest against the house on your porch or patio? Look for a larger space if you want to place some planters with pedestals and if you’re planning to build a mini vertical garden beside it. Remember, while you could choose to move the station at a later date, it will be easier to place it appropriately before you begin filling it with supplies.
Construct Your Station
Have you chosen your location? The next step is choosing whether to build your potting station from scratch or purchase or repurpose a furniture piece like a dresser for the job. In some ways, repurposing a piece would be a simpler task because the foundation has already been created for you. You simply decide if you need drawers, doors or neither. A dresser has a counter for you to use for your work. Your tools can be stored within the free-standing piece. You might even choose to use drawers for potting soil and fertilizer storage. Storing pots of various sizes can be accomplished by utilizing drawer or door space or by simply using a corner of the top.
Coordinate With Your Decor
If you have chosen to create your potting area on your porch or patio you might consider choosing cabinetry that fits with your existing furniture. If your porch swing or patio furniture has a particular design aesthetic you will want your potting station to complement the look. If you plan carefully your potting station can be both a practical and beautiful addition to your outdoor space.
Whether you have a green thumb or you are just beginning to dabble in the art of landscaping, a potting station might be a nice addition to your outdoor space. Choosing the location and construction of your potting station dictates the functionality of your finished project. Now that you have made all the choices, and your project is completed it is time to enjoy your outdoor space and the beauty you are going to add with your new plants and flowers.
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