Welcome to my blog! My name is Suzy and I started this blog back in 2014. I was moving into and later renovating my starter home and came across so many challenges that I decided why not document it so that I can help other homeowners! With this blog, I hope to share as many tips and tricks I’ve learnt along the way in regards to housekeeping, renovations, gardening, and the casual recipe or two! I hope that you enjoy this blog as much as I’ve enjoyed writing and updating it throughout the years. If you would like to get in contact with me please email me at contact@betterhousekeeper.com.
BetterHousekeeper.com is primarily focused on home topics: housekeeping, renovations, cleaning, decorating, DIY, and gardening. It also has an extensive library of recipes to make dessert, dinner, lunch, drinks, and various snacks. BHK not only provides useful tools and advice, but also has trusted experts and writers who keep visitors up to date with the latest trends and developments around housekeeping and gardening.
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