DIY Soundproofing Tips and Tricks From the Experts

No one ever said that soundproofing your home was going to be easy. In fact, it can be quite a daunting task!

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But don’t worry, because we’re here to help. In this article, we will be giving you some tips and tricks from professionals on how to soundproof your home yourself. So whether you’re doing it as a DIY project or you’re hiring someone to do it for you, these tips will come in handy. One of the most important things to remember when soundproofing your home is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person might not work for another, so you will need to experiment until you find a solution that works for you.

What Does Soundproofing Mean?

Before we get to the tips and tricks, let’s talk a little about soundproofing itself. Sound travels through vibrations, so anything you can do to stop those vibrations will help reduce noise levels in your home. You might have heard of soundproofing materials such as rubber or foam; however, these are not always very effective because they simply absorb the sound rather than stopping it from entering the room.

Soundproofing at its best is done by partitioning one space from another completely (isolating each room). However, this isn’t always possible due to budgets and other limitations. For more expert tips and advice go over to and do some research. Good ways of soundproofing are right around the corner. For example, even if you wanted to you couldn’t build an entire wall around your living room to soundproof it from the rest of your house, but you can still do a number of other things that will help reduce the noise levels.

The Doors

Let’s start with doors as they are probably one of the biggest culprits when it comes to unwanted noise levels. The first thing you want to do is check if the hinges need replacing – old hinges have a tendency to rattle which can result in a lot of noise coming through your door. After checking and replacing the hinges, you should install a door sweep at the bottom of your door to stop vibrations from being transferred into your room from outside. You can also choose to simply add weather stripping around your doors, however, this might only provide minor soundproofing effects so it might not be worth the extra effort.

The Walls

Another big sound culprit in homes is the walls between rooms. So what you should do is simply add something like egg cartons (yes, egg cartons!) to them before closing up your wall. This trick isn’t very effective alone but can be helpful when combined with other methods to further reduce noise levels.

Another tip is to try using insulation material which you can pick up at most home improvement stores or you could even use old clothing/sheets! These materials help absorb some of the noise that gets transferred through your walls so they aren’t as strong. They are also relatively easy to install because all you have to do is cut them into pieces and then attach them to your wall using wallpaper paste.


Soundtraps are another easy way to reduce noise levels, but it’s important that you know how to use them properly. You can make your own soundtraps by simply placing a piece of PVC piping inside the wall cavity and gluing some egg cartons or insulation material around it. This will provide soundproofing from one room to another without having any impact on the aesthetics of your home.

Carpets are also great for absorbing noise vibration, so if you have bare floors then adding carpets throughout your house is definitely recommended! However, just putting down any old carpet isn’t going to help much because there are better options out there that are specifically designed to work as soundproofing materials.

There are a number of DIY soundproofing materials that you can use, but you might also want to consider hiring professionals to help you with your home improvement project if you’re not so confident in doing it yourself. The most popular type of professionals who deal with soundproofing homes are acousticians because they know exactly what needs to be done in order to reduce noise levels in the house. They also have access to high-quality products which will provide better results than some of the common household items that we mentioned above. All in all, there is no one method for reducing noise levels throughout your entire home however, if you do decide to take matters into your own hands (literally) then make sure to use some of the tips and tricks above!
