With a busy work schedule and personal life, it can be difficult to find the time to keep your home neat and tidy!

Photo Via: Tribe Design Group

After a week or two of negligence, it’s easy for dishes to pile up in the sink, dirty laundry to riddle your bedroom floor, and dust to gather on furniture. Instead of letting the mess build up and feeling a sense of panic when someone invites themselves over, there are little things you can do each day to help keep your home in order. Here are a few daily habits to implement to keep your house in pristine condition.

Make the Bed Every Morning

Start your day out on the right foot by making your bed each morning before you leave the house. It’s an easy way to make your room look neat and tidy and gets you into an organized mindset for the day. It’s also nice to crawl into a nicely made bed each night, especially after you’ve had a long, hard day at work.

Put Your Dishes Away

It may seem natural to throw your dishes in the sink after dinner with the plan to do them later, but somehow they never get done, right? Before you know it, there’s a pile in the sink and you’re struggling to find access to the garbage disposal. If you have a dishwasher, you should be rinsing them and putting them in the dishwasher immediately after dinner. The key to this process is to make sure your clean dishes are put away right before bed or first thing in the morning, so the appliance is empty the next time you need it for dirty dishes. If you hand-wash, make an effort to get the dishes washed and dried each night before bedtime. Get your family involved in the process and it’ll go by more smoothly, or put on a podcast or some music and the task will seem to fly by.

Do your Laundry Each Day

Depending on how big your household is, you can get behind on laundry pretty quickly Throw a load in before leaving for work each morning, pop it in the dryer upon returning, and get your folding done each night before bed. You’ll soon appreciate this routine, not only as a way to catch up on laundry, but as a great way to unwind before bed and feel more productive during the day with very little effort.

Wipe off Counters

Right before bed, take the time to wipe off countertops to clean up after dinner. Not only will your kitchen look spotless, but you’ll be less likely to attract bugs, such as ants. Keep Lysol wipes on hand at all times to make the job easy and kill bacteria quickly before bed each night.

Run the Vacuum

If you’re a pet owner, you know how quickly you can be covered in cat or dog hair just by sitting on the couch or floor for a few seconds. A great, inexpensive investment is a giant lint roller for your couch and bed. As for the carpet, running the vacuum quickly over your floors each day can help keep up with the overwhelming piles of hair that build up. Invest in a great pet hair vacuum to get your floors extra clean. You don’t want to have to rip up your carpets when you put your home on the Calgary real estate market, and keeping them clean each day will prevent irreparable damage.
